Tag: voltage divider

  • Find Voltage Using Voltage Division Rule

    Determine voltage across R_2 and R_4 using voltage division rule.
    Assume that
    V_1=20 V, R_1=10 \Omega, R_2=5 \Omega, R_3=30 \Omega and R_4=10 \Omega
    solve using voltage division rule

    Please note that the voltage division rule cannot be directly applied. This is to say that:

  • Voltage Divider – Voltage Division Rule

    Voltage Divider – Voltage Division Rule

    The voltage division rule (voltage divider) is a simple rule which can be used in solving circuits to simplify the solution. Applying the voltage division rule can also solve simple circuits thoroughly. The statement of the rule is simple:

    Voltage Division Rule: The voltage is divided between two series resistors in direct proportion to their resistance.

    It is easy to prove this. In the following circuit

    Voltage Divider
    Voltage Divider

    the Ohm’s law implies that
     v_1(t)=R_1 i(t) (I)
     v_2(t)=R_2 i(t) (II)

  • Problem 1-16: Voltage Divider

    Problem 1-16: Voltage Divider

    Find  V_x (or  v_x(t)) and  I_x (or  i_x) using voltage division rule.
    Voltage Divider Problem - A
    Voltage Divider Problem - B
    Voltage Divider Problem - C
    Voltage Divider Problem - D


    Voltage Divider Problem - A
    Voltage divider:  V_x=\frac{5\Omega}{2\Omega+5\Omega}\times 14 V=10 V
    Ohm’s law:  I_x=\frac{V_x}{5 \Omega}=2 A