Problem 1-12: Using Voltage Sources to Determine Node Voltages

Determine the power of  R_1, R_2 and  Vs_1. (Hint: there is no need to use nodal analysis; voltages between nodes can be easily found by the voltage sources.)
Voltage sources can be used to fing node voltages

KVL around the loop
 V_{R_1}= Vs_1 = 10v \rightarrow P_{R_1}=\frac{V_{R_1}^2}{R_1}=50 W

KVL around the loop shown above:
 -V_{R_{2}} -V_{R_1}+Vs_2=0 \rightarrow V_{R_2}=-14v . Therefore,  P_{R_2}=\frac{V_{R_2}^2}{R_2}=49 W

KCL Node
KCL at the node shown in the figure:
 -I_{Vs_1} +Is_1-\frac{V_{R_1}}{R_1}+\frac{V_{R_2}}{R_2}-Is_2=0

 I_{Vs_1} =-6.5 \rightarrow P_{Vs_1}=Vs_1 \times I_{Vs_1} = -65 W , absorbing.


One response to “Problem 1-12: Using Voltage Sources to Determine Node Voltages”

  1. gohan Avatar

    You made a mistake in calculating VR2. It should be -6v.

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